The Polyphony Database
About the database❯ is a detailed catalogue of early music sources designed to help musicians perform, academics study, and enthusiasts explore a vast and glorious repertoire quickly and easily. It aims to combine the practicality of CPDL with the academic rigour and ambition of the RISM census, to make use of similar projects where possible, and to directly combat the frustrations performing musicians have with all existing resources.
Its three main goals are:
- To assist performers, directors, and editors by cataloguing the contents of primary sources, source concordances, and basic information about how each piece of music can be performed.
- To provide a reliable starting point for academic research by linking to library catalogues, other existing databases, and facsimile images of early music manuscripts and prints.
- To provide a repository for properly sourced critical editions, performing scores, and recordings of as much of this music as possible, each carefully vetted for typesetting quality and accuracy, and made available for free download, so that this music might be discovered and appreciated by a wider audience.
The database was founded by Francis Bevan in 2014 as an outlet for his editing hobby and is regularly updated by him and a small team of enthusiasts. If you would like to contribute some cataloguing time, recordings or editions, submit corrections, commission an edition or just donate some cash, please get in touch with Francis via email: Read more about the project's history at the 2018 Crowdfunder page.
The best way to help fund the project is to commission performing editions. New editions can be made quickly for as little as £10.
Understanding the clef images
A red clef means the voice is missing from this source. Where there are no concordances to fill in the gaps, this means the piece will require reconstruction.
A green clef means the voice is incomplete in this source. This might denote a fragment of a larger work, or a e.g. canonic voice that isn't written out in full.
A faded clef means much of the piece can be performed without this voice. For example, an extra 6th voice in the Agnus Dei of an otherwise 5vv Mass setting, or a short gimel in a big votive antiphon. Filtering by number of voices will exclude these clefs, while filtering by a specific voice combination will include them.
A blue clef denotes a voice that uses more than one clef in this source - this is particularly prevalent in earlier printed sources. We've estimated the larger clef on the left to be the most used to give an idea of voice distribution at a glance.
An X clef is used as a placeholder for voices we know are necessary, but haven't yet worked out which! This can be because there are no extant sources for a missing voice and no reconstruction has yet been attempted (it will normally become obvious which voice is missing once editing starts), or because we have catalogued a source from an incomplete facsimile that we know to be complete elsewhere.
Title |
Function(s) |
Composer |
# |
Sources |
Morning service
Merbecke, John
1 |
Morning service
(Service) |
Tozer, Solomon
4 |
Chirk Castle Partbooks (US-NYp Mus. Res. *MNZ (Chirk) [1-4])
Wrexham, c.1618-c.1633
(Partbook, MS)
Attrib: mr Tozer of Exeter St Peters |
Te/Ju |
Morning service
(Service) |
Deane, William
4 |
Chirk Castle Partbooks (US-NYp Mus. Res. *MNZ (Chirk) [1-4])
Wrexham, c.1618-c.1633
(Partbook, MS)
Attrib: mr Deane |
Te/Ju/Ky |
Morning service
(Service) |
Mundy, William
Mundy, John
5 |
Chirk Castle Partbooks (US-NYp Mus. Res. *MNZ (Chirk) [1-4])
Wrexham, c.1618-c.1633
(Partbook, MS)
Attrib: mr mundie |
Te/Bs |
Morning Service
(Service) |
4 |
Mornyng and Evenyng prayer and Commun... (RISM 1565/4)
Mornyng and Evenyng prayer and Communion, set forthe in foure partes, to be song in churches, both for men and children, wyth dyvers other godly prayers & Anthems, of sundry mens doynges
London: Day, John, 1565
(Partbook, Print)
Attrib: Heath |
Venite, Te Deum, Benedictus |
Morning Service [I]
(Service) |
Caustun, Thomas
4 |
Mornyng and Evenyng prayer and Commun... (RISM 1565/4)
Mornyng and Evenyng prayer and Communion, set forthe in foure partes, to be song in churches, both for men and children, wyth dyvers other godly prayers & Anthems, of sundry mens doynges
London: Day, John, 1565
(Partbook, Print)
Attrib: Thomas Caustun |
Venite, Te Deum, Benedictus |
Morning Service [II]
(Service) |
Caustun, Thomas
4 |
Mornyng and Evenyng prayer and Commun... (RISM 1565/4)
Mornyng and Evenyng prayer and Communion, set forthe in foure partes, to be song in churches, both for men and children, wyth dyvers other godly prayers & Anthems, of sundry mens doynges
London: Day, John, 1565
(Partbook, Print)
Attrib: Thomas Caustun |
Venite, Te Deum, Benedictus |
Moro e mentre sospiro - Quando di lui la sospirata vita
Gesualdo, Carlo
5 |
Moro lasso al mio duolo
Gesualdo, Carlo
5 |
Moro sol per amarvi
4 |
Mors tua mors Christi - Quicquid erat tandem
Utendal, Alexander
6 |
Sacrae cantiones vulgo motecta appell... (RISM U121)
Sacrae cantiones vulgo motecta appellatae sexet plurium vocum tum viva voce tum omnis generis instrumentis cantatu commodissimae. Liber secundus
Nuremberg: Gerlach, Dietrich, 1573
(Partbook, Print)
Attrib: Alexandri Vtendal |
Mors tua mors Christi - Quicquid erit tandem
Pothárn Imre (SATTB)
Lassus, Orlande de
5 |
Hieremiae prophetae lamentationes, et... (RISM L958)
Hieremiae prophetae lamentationes, et aliae piae cantiones: nunquam antehac visae. Quinque vocum.
Munich: Berg, Adam, 1585
(Partbook, Print)
Attrib: Orlando di Lasso |
Magnum opus musicum ... Complectens o... (RISM L1019)
Magnum opus musicum ... Complectens omnes cantiones quas motetas vulgo vocant, tam antea editas quam hactenus nondum publicatas II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. IIX. IX. X. XII. vocum a Ferdinando serenissimi bavariae ducis maximiliani musicorum praefecto, & Rudolpho, eidem Principi ab Organis; Authoris filiis summo studio collectum, & impensis eorundem Typis mandatum
Munich: Heinrich, Nikolaus, 1604
(Partbook, Print)
Attrib: Orlandi de Lasso |
Mortalium iucunditas
Pothárn Imre (Down a fourth)
Pothárn Imre (Down a minor third)
Pothárn Imre
Lassus, Orlande de
5 |
Magnum opus musicum ... Complectens o... (RISM L1019)
Magnum opus musicum ... Complectens omnes cantiones quas motetas vulgo vocant, tam antea editas quam hactenus nondum publicatas II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. IIX. IX. X. XII. vocum a Ferdinando serenissimi bavariae ducis maximiliani musicorum praefecto, & Rudolpho, eidem Principi ab Organis; Authoris filiis summo studio collectum, & impensis eorundem Typis mandatum
Munich: Heinrich, Nikolaus, 1604
(Partbook, Print)
Attrib: Orlandi de Lasso |
Mortalium preces - Quid non meretur hic veternus
Utendal, Alexander
6 |
Novi Atque Catholici Thesauri Musici ... (RISM 1568/3)
Novi Atque Catholici Thesauri Musici Liber Secundus
Venice: Gardano, Antonio, 1568
(Partbook, Print)
Attrib: Alexander VVttendaler |
THESAVRVS MOTETARVM. Newerleßner zwey... (RISM 1589/17)
THESAVRVS MOTETARVM. Newerleßner zwey vnd zweintzig herrlicher Moteten, Rechte Kunst Stück: der aller berhümbsten Componisten, in der Ordnung wie sie nach einander gelebt: Vnd jede Moteten zu ihrem gewissen Modo gesetzt. Mit sonderm hohen fleiß vnd müh zusammen getragen, vnd in diese breuchige Tabulatur gebracht
Strasbourg: Jobin, Bernhard and Paix, Jakob, 1589
(Tablature, Print)
Attrib: Alex. Vtentaler |
Morte che voi
Casulana, Maddalena
4 |
Morte disciols'il laccio - Nova bellezza poi
5 |
Mortem qui stravit
Buissons, Michael-Charles des
6 |
Morte quanto dolor m'apporti
4 |
Primo libro de diversi eccellent.mi a... (RISM 1566/2)
Primo libro de diversi eccellent.mi auttori a quattro voci, intitulato Il Desiderio. Novamente posti in luce, per Giulio Bonagionta da S. Genesi, Musico dell'Illustriss. Sig. di Vineggia
Venice: Scotto, Girolamo and Bonagionta, Giulio, 1566
(Partbook, Print)
Attrib: Anon |
Mort et amour un soir se racontrèrent
Phinot, Dominique
4 |
Mort et fortune pourquoy m'avez laissé
Gombert, Nicolas
4 |
Morti tuae tam amatae
Walliser, Christoph Thomas
6 |
Mort m'a privé par sa cruelle envye
Crecquillon, Thomas
4 |
Mort ma privé par sa cruelle envye
Crecquillon, Thomas
5 |
Mort ou merci en languissant j'attens
Willaert, Adrian
5 |
Mort ou mercy en languissant j'attendz
Villiers, Pierre de
4 |