The Polyphony Database
About the database❯ is a detailed catalogue of early music sources designed to help musicians perform, academics study, and enthusiasts explore a vast and glorious repertoire quickly and easily. It aims to combine the practicality of CPDL with the academic rigour and ambition of the RISM census, to make use of similar projects where possible, and to directly combat the frustrations performing musicians have with all existing resources.
Its three main goals are:
- To assist performers, directors, and editors by cataloguing the contents of primary sources, source concordances, and basic information about how each piece of music can be performed.
- To provide a reliable starting point for academic research by linking to library catalogues, other existing databases, and facsimile images of early music manuscripts and prints.
- To provide a repository for properly sourced critical editions, performing scores, and recordings of as much of this music as possible, each carefully vetted for typesetting quality and accuracy, and made available for free download, so that this music might be discovered and appreciated by a wider audience.
The database was founded by Francis Bevan in 2014 as an outlet for his editing hobby and is regularly updated by him and a small team of enthusiasts. If you would like to contribute some cataloguing time, recordings or editions, submit corrections, commission an edition or just donate some cash, please get in touch with Francis via email: Read more about the project's history at the 2018 Crowdfunder page.
The best way to help fund the project is to commission performing editions. New editions can be made quickly for as little as £10.
Understanding the clef images
A red clef means the voice is missing from this source. Where there are no concordances to fill in the gaps, this means the piece will require reconstruction.
A green clef means the voice is incomplete in this source. This might denote a fragment of a larger work, or a e.g. canonic voice that isn't written out in full.
A faded clef means much of the piece can be performed without this voice. For example, an extra 6th voice in the Agnus Dei of an otherwise 5vv Mass setting, or a short gimel in a big votive antiphon. Filtering by number of voices will exclude these clefs, while filtering by a specific voice combination will include them.
A blue clef denotes a voice that uses more than one clef in this source - this is particularly prevalent in earlier printed sources. We've estimated the larger clef on the left to be the most used to give an idea of voice distribution at a glance.
An X clef is used as a placeholder for voices we know are necessary, but haven't yet worked out which! This can be because there are no extant sources for a missing voice and no reconstruction has yet been attempted (it will normally become obvious which voice is missing once editing starts), or because we have catalogued a source from an incomplete facsimile that we know to be complete elsewhere.
Title |
Function(s) |
Composer |
# |
Sources |
Isti sunt viri sancti
Vento, Ivo de
4 |
Isti sunt viri sancti
Pothárn Imre
Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da
4 |
Isti sunt viri sancti
Febure, Jan Le
6 |
Fasciculus sacrarum cantionum pro pra... (RISM L1347)
Fasciculus sacrarum cantionum pro praecepuis totius anni festivitatibus, sex, septem, octo, et duodecim vocibus summo studio concinnatus, & hunc prima vice divulgatus
Frankfurt: Richter, Wolfgang, 1607
(Partbook, Print)
Attrib: Ioanne Le Febvure |
Isti sunt viri sancti
Ballestra, Reimundo
10 |
Sacrae symphoniae ... septem, octo, d... (RISM B769)
Sacrae symphoniae ... septem, octo, decem, duodecim vocibus, liber primus, editio nova
Venice: Gardano, Angelo, 1611
(Partbook, Print)
Attrib: Reimvndi Ballestrae |
Isti sunt viri sancti - Sancti per fidem vicerunt regna
Conflicting attributions
5 |
Nicolai Gomberti Musici Excellentissi... (RISM 1541/3 (G2982))
Nicolai Gomberti Musici Excellentissimi Pentaphthongos Harmonia, Que Quinque Vocum Motetta Vulgo Nominantur
Venice: Scotto, Girolamo, 1541
(Partbook, Print)
Attrib: Gomberth |
Io. Lupi chori Sacrae Virginis Mariae... (RISM L3089)
Io. Lupi chori Sacrae Virginis Mariae Cameracensis magistri, musice cantiones (que vulgo motetta nuncupantur)
Paris: Jullet, Herbert and Attaingnant, Pierre, 1542
(Partbook, Print)
Attrib: Io. Lupi |
Nicolai Gomberti Musici Excellentissi... (RISM G2983)
Nicolai Gomberti Musici Excellentissimi cum quinque vocibus Liber Primus
Venice: Gardano, Antonio, 1552
(Partbook, Print)
Attrib: Nicolai Gomberti |
Liber tertius sacrarum cantionum dive... (RISM 1556/3)
Liber tertius sacrarum cantionum diversorum autorum quatuor, quinque, et sex vocum
Düsseldorf: Birckmanns, Arnold, 1556
(Partbook, Print)
Attrib: Ioan. Gransyre |
Bourdenay codex (F-Pn 851)
Paris, c.1570-c.1599
(Score, MS)
Attrib: Anon |
Isti sunt viri sancti - Sancti per fidem vicerunt regna
Brouck, Jacob de
6 |
Istorum est enim regnum caelorum
Phinot, Dominique
5 |
Istorum est enim regnum caelorum
Rossi, Giovanni Maria
5 |
Mottetti di Giovanni Maria Rosso maes... (RISM R2769)
Mottetti di Giovanni Maria Rosso maestro del Duomo di Mantova; nuovamente dati in luce et corretti da Claudio da Correggio, a cinque voci, libro primo
Venice: Merulo, Claudio, 1567
(Partbook, Print)
Attrib: Giovanni Maria Rosso |
Istorum est enim regnum caelorum
Nancho Alvarez
Guerrero, Francisco
4 |
(E-SE 6)
(Choirbook, MS)
Attrib: Anon |
Mottecta que partim quaternis partim ... (RISM G4875)
Mottecta que partim quaternis partim quinis alia senis alia octonis concinuntur vocibus. Liber secundus.
Venice: Vincenti, Giacomo, 1589
(Partbook, Print)
Attrib: Francisci Gverreri |
D-Kl copy: Tenor part repeated in Superius book, Superius missing |
Motecta (RISM G4877)
Venice: Vincenti, Giacomo, 1597
(Partbook, Print)
Attrib: Francisci Gverreri |
Istorum est enim regnum caelorum
India, Sigismondo d'
4 |
Istorum est enim regnum caelorum
Riccio, Teodore
6 |
Sacrae cantiones, quas vulgo motesta ... (RISM R1286)
Sacrae cantiones, quas vulgo motesta vocant, quinque, sex, et octo vocum, tum viva voca, tum etiam omnis generis instrumentis cantatu commodissimae
Nuremberg: Gerlach, Katharina and Gerlach, Dietrich, 1576
(Partbook, Print)
Attrib: Theodoro Riccio Brixiano |
Istorum est enim regnum caelorum
Ballestra, Reimundo
8 |
Sacrae symphoniae ... septem, octo, d... (RISM B769)
Sacrae symphoniae ... septem, octo, decem, duodecim vocibus, liber primus, editio nova
Venice: Gardano, Angelo, 1611
(Partbook, Print)
Attrib: Reimvndi Ballestrae |
Istorum est enim regnum caelorum - Isti sunt sancti
Arcadelt, Jacques
7 |
(V-CVbav Capp.Sist. 24)
Rome: Parvus, Johannes, c.1538-c.1550
(Choirbook, MS)
Attrib: Arcadelt |
Canon |
Thesauri musici tomus secundus contin... (RISM 1564/2)
Thesauri musici tomus secundus continens optimas septem vocum cantiones ex variis autoribus collectas
Nuremberg: Berg, Johann and Neuber, Ulrich, 1564
(Partbook, Print)
Attrib: Iacobus Arcadelt |
(D-Sl 5)
Stuttgart: Chamerhueber, Johann, 1566-1567
(Choirbook, MS)
Attrib: Jacobus Arcadet |
Canon |
Istorum est enim regnum caelorum - Sancti est justi
Clemens non Papa, Jacobus
5 |
I sung sometimes
(Alleluia) |
Wilbye, John
5 |
Itala quae cecidit - Una tibi floret
Pothárn Imre
Rore, Cipriano de
5 |
Cipriani musici eccellentissimi cum q... (RISM 1544/6)
Cipriani musici eccellentissimi cum quibusdam aliis doctis authoribus motectorum : nunc primum maxima diligentia in lucem exeuntium: liber primus, quinque vocum.
Venice: Gardano, Antonio, 1544
(Partbook, Print)
Attrib: Cipriano Rore |
Italia che hai si longamente dormito
5 |
Italia mia ben che'l parlar sia indarno
Verdelot, Philippe
5 |
(I-Bc R.142)
Bologna, 1515-1530
(Partbook, MS)
Attrib: Verdelot |
Di Verdelot le dotte et eccellente co... (RISM 1538/20)
Di Verdelot le dotte et eccellente compositioni de i madrigali a cinque voci, insieme copn altri madrigali di varii autori, novamente ristampati, et ricorretti
Venice: Gardano, Antonio, c.1538
(Partbook, Print)
Attrib: Verdelot |
De i madrigali di Verdelotto et de al... (RISM V1227 (1538/21))
De i madrigali di Verdelotto et de altri eccellentissimi auttori a cinque voci, libro secondo
Venice: Scotto, Girolamo, 1538
(Choirbook, MS)
Attrib: Verdelot |
Le dotte, et eccellente compositioni ... (RISM 1540/18)
Le dotte, et eccellente compositioni de i madrigali a cinque voci da diversi perfettissimi Musici fatte. Novamente raccolte, et con ogni diligentia Stampate
Venice: Scotto, Girolamo, 1540
(Partbook, Print)
Attrib: Verdelot |
5 |
(US-NYp Drexel 4180-4185)
New York: Merro, John, 1600-1650
(Partbook, MS)
Attrib: Anon |
Unidentified madrigal |
It chanced in Iconium
Tye, Christopher
4 |
It does me good when Zephrus rains
Whythorne, Thomas
4 |
Songs, for three, fower, and five voy... (RISM W992)
Songs, for three, fower, and five voyces, composed and made by Thomas Whythorne
London, 1571
(Partbook, Print)
Attrib: Thomas Whythorne |
It doth belong more of good right
Whythorne, Thomas
5 |
Songs, for three, fower, and five voy... (RISM W992)
Songs, for three, fower, and five voyces, composed and made by Thomas Whythorne
London, 1571
(Partbook, Print)
Attrib: Thomas Whythorne |
Ite amari sospiri
Marenzio, Luca
5 |
Ite a vostro bel aggio con la mia donn’amanti
6 |
Ite caldi sospiri al freddo cor
Verdelot, Philippe
5 |