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Title Function(s) Composer # Sources
Cecidit corona Holy Saturday Asola, Giovanni Matteo c.1532–1609 4
Secunda pars continens officium Hebdo... (RISM A2553) Secunda pars continens officium Hebdomadae Sanctae idest lamentationes, responsoria, et alia, quae officiis matutinalibus, ac in processione Feriae sextae concinuntur cum quatuor vocibus Venice: Gardano, Angelo, 1584 (Choirbook, MS) RISM #40 c1 c2 c3 c4 Attrib: D. Io. Matthaeo Asula Veronensi
Cecilia virgo gloriosa - Dum aurora finem daret Certon, Pierre d.1572 4
Petri Certon Institutoris Symphoniaco... (RISM C1707) Petri Certon Institutoris Symphoniacorum puerorum Sancti Sacelli Parisiensis recens modulorum editio ... Liber secundus Paris: Attaingnant, Pierre and Jullet, Hubert, 1542 (Partbook, Print) RISM #12 c2 c4 c4 f4 Attrib: Petri Certon
Ce corps tant droit Phinot, Dominique c.1510–c.1556 4
Second livre contenant vingt et six c... (RISM P2019) Second livre contenant vingt et six chansons... Lyon: Beringen, Godefroy and Beringen, Marcelin, 1548 (Partbook, Print) RISM #13 c1 c3 c4 f4 Attrib: Dominiqve Phinot
Cecus sedebat - Stans autem Jesus iussit eum adduci Anon 5
(I-TVd 8) Treviso, 1556-1569 (Choirbook, MS) #49 g2 c2 c3 c3 f3 Attrib: Anon
Cedan l'antiche tue chiare vittorie - Mentre novella alma Marenzio, Luca 1553/1554–1599 6
Il secondo libro de madrigali a sei voci (RISM M504) Venice: Gardano, Angelo, 1584 (Partbook, Print) RISM #4 g2 g2 c1 c2 c3 c4 Attrib: Luca Marenzio
Cede fragor Anon 6
Liber octavus. xx. musicales motetos ... (RISM 1534/10) Liber octavus. xx. musicales motetos quatuor, quinque vel sex vocum modulos habet Paris: Attaingnant, Pierre, 1534 (Partbook, Print) RISM #16 c1 c4 c4 c4 f4 f4 Attrib: Anon
Cede repugnanti Handl, Jacob (Gallus) 1550–1591 8
Moralia Iacobi Handl Carnioli, Musici... (RISM H1989) Moralia Iacobi Handl Carnioli, Musici praestantissimi, quinque, sex et octo vocibus concinnata Douai: Bogard, Jean, 1603 (Partbook, Print) RISM #41 c1 c1 c3 c3 c4 c4 f4 f4 Attrib: Iacobi Handl
Ceduntur gladiis more bidentium Willaert, Adrian c.1490–1562 3
Libro secondo de li motetti a tre voc... (RISM 1549/14) Libro secondo de li motetti a tre voce da diversi eccellentissimi musici composti Venice: Scotto, Girolamo, 1549 (Partbook, Print) RISM #30 c3 c4 f4 Attrib: Adriano
Ce faux amour Pothárn Imre Lassus, Orlande de c.1532–1594 4
Nouvelles chansons a quatre parties, ... (RISM L798) Nouvelles chansons a quatre parties, au quels sont vingt & sept chansons composées par M. Orlando di Lassus. Convenables tant a la voix comme aux instruments. Le premier livre Antwerp: Laet, Jean de, 1566 (Partbook, Print) RISM #23 c1 c3 c4 f4 Attrib: Orlando di Lassus
Mellange d'Orlande de Lassus, contena... (RISM L834) Mellange d'Orlande de Lassus, contenant plusieurs chansons, tant en vers latins qu'en ryme francoyses. A quatre, cinc, six, huit, dix, parties Paris: Ballard, Robert (i) and Le Roy, Adrian, 1570 (Partbook, Print) RISM #42 c1 c3 c4 f4 Attrib: Orlande
Ce franc baiser Brouck, Jacob de fl.1568–1583 8
Cantiones tum sacrae (quae vulgo mote... (RISM B4613) Cantiones tum sacrae (quae vulgo moteta vocantur;) tum profanae, quinque, sex, & octo vocum; recens in lucem editae Antwerp: Plantin, Christophe, 1579 (Partbook, Print) RISM #38 c1 c1 c3 c3 c4 c4 f4 f4 Attrib: Iacobo de Brovck
Ce fut amour Crecquillon, Thomas c.1505–1557 5
Le Douziesme livre contenant trent ch... (RISM 1550/13) Le Douziesme livre contenant trent chansons amoureuses a cincq parties Antwerp: Susato, Tylman, 1550 (Partbook, Print) RISM #26 g2 c2 c3 c3 f3 Attrib: Tho. Crecquillon
Ce fut amour dont je fus abusée Passereau, Pierre fl.1509–1547 4
Tre[n]te et quatre chansons musicales... (RISM 1529/3) Tre[n]te et quatre chansons musicales a quatre parties Paris: Attaingnant, Pierre, 1529 (Partbook, Print) RISM #15 c1 c3 c3 f4 Attrib: Anon
Trente et quatre chansons musicales a... (RISM c.1528/6) Trente et quatre chansons musicales a quatre parties Paris: Attaingnant, Pierre, c.1530-c.1531 (Partbook, Print) RISM #15 c1 c3 c3 f4 Attrib: Anon
Le Parangon des chansons Second livre... (RISM 1538/16) Le Parangon des chansons Second livre contenant. xxxi. Chansons nouvelle au singulier prouffit: & delectation des Musiciens Lyon: Moderne, Jacques, 1538 (Tablebook, Print) RISM #12 c1 c3 c3 f4 Attrib: Passereau
Le Parangon des chansons Second livre... (RISM 1540/15) Le Parangon des chansons Second livre contenant. xxxi. Chansons nouvelle au singulier prouffit: & delectation des Musiciens. Reimprime & recorrige Lyon: Moderne, Jacques, 1540 (Tablebook, Print) RISM #12 c1 c3 c3 f4 Attrib: Passereau
Chansonnier de Zeghere van Male (F-CA 125-8) Cambrai, 1542 (Partbook, MS) #159 c2 c4 c4 f4 Attrib: Anon
Ce fut en montant les degrez Regnes, Nicole 4
Vingt et neuf chansons musicales a qu... (RISM 1530/3) Vingt et neuf chansons musicales a quatre parties Paris: Attaingnant, Pierre, 1530 (Partbook, Print) RISM #31 c1 c3 c3 c4 Attrib: N. Renes
Cela sans plus Obrecht, Jacob 1457/1458–1505 4
Canti. B. numero Cinquanta (RISM 1503/3) Venice: Petrucci, Ottaviano, 1503 (Choirbook, Print) RISM #13 c1 c3 c3 f3 Attrib: Obreht
Cela sans plus Lannoy, Colinet de d.1497 4
Canti. B. numero Cinquanta (RISM 1503/3) Venice: Petrucci, Ottaviano, 1503 (Choirbook, Print) RISM #16 g2 c3 c3 f3 Attrib: De Lannoy
Cela sans plus Josquin Desprez c.1450–1521 3
Harmonice musices Odhecaton A (RISM 1501/1) Venice: Petrucci, Ottaviano, 1501 (Choirbook, Print) RISM #57 c1 c4 f3 Attrib: Josquin
Cela sans plus et plus hola Leo X 5
(I-MOd IV) Modena, c.1520-c.1530 (Choirbook, MS) #21 c1 c3 c3 c4 f4 Attrib: Leo X pont. max. Textless
Cela sans plus non sufi pas Anon 4
Harmonice musices Odhecaton A (RISM 1501/1) Venice: Petrucci, Ottaviano, 1501 (Choirbook, Print) RISM #24 c2 c4 f3 f4 Attrib: Anon First page missing
Celcitonantis ave genitrix sublimis Olympi - Nam Patris unigeniti Regis, Johannes c.1425–1496 5
Chigi Codex (V-CVbav Chig-C-VIII-234) Rome: Bourgeois, Martin, c.1498-c.1503 (Choirbook, MS) #32 g2 c1 c3 c4 f4 Attrib: Regis
Celebremus devotissime Resinarius, Balthasar c.1485–1544 4
Responsoriorum numero octoginta de te... (RISM R1196) Responsoriorum numero octoginta de tempore et festis iuxta seriem totius anni, Libri duo, Primus de Christo, & reno eius, Doctrina, Vita, Passione, Resurretione & Ascensione. Alter, de sanctis, & illorum in Christum fide & Cruce Wittenberg: Rhau, Georg, 1543 (Partbook, Print) RISM #63 g2g3 c3 c3 f3 Attrib: Baltasare Resinario
Celeste d'amor fiamma Roussel, Francois c.1510–after 1577 5
Il terzo libro delle muse a cinque vo... (RISM 1561/10) Il terzo libro delle muse a cinque voci composto da diversi eccellentissimi musici con uno madregale a sei, et uno dialogo a otto, novamente per Antonio Gardano stampato & dato in luce Venice: Gardano, Antonio, 1561 (Partbook, Print) RISM #3 c1 c3 c4 f3 f4 Attrib: Francesco Rosselli
Celi tuba Spiritus Sancti Ceresini, Giovanni 1584–1659 3
Il primo libro de motetti a una, due,... (RISM C1696) Il primo libro de motetti a una, due, tre, quattro cinque & sei voce con il basso continuo per l'organo Venice: Vincenti, Giacomo, 1617 (Partbook, Print) RISM #14 c1 c4 f4 org Attrib: Don Giovanni Ceresini
Cella sans plus Rigamundus 5
Rusconi Codex (I-Bc Q.19) Bologna, c.1518 (Choirbook, MS) #94 c2 c4 c4 c4 f4 Attrib: Rigamundus Tenor copied again on back page
Celle fillette a qui le tetin point Coste, Gabriel fl.1538–1543 4
Le Parangon des chansons. sixiesme li... (RISM 1540/16) Le Parangon des chansons. sixiesme livre contenant .Xxv. Chansons nouvelles au singulier prouffit: & delectation des musiciens. Lyon: Moderne, Jacques, 1540 (Tablebook, Print) RISM #7 g2 c3 c4 f4 Attrib: G. Coste
Celle que j'aime tant Brouck, Jacob de fl.1568–1583 5
Cantiones tum sacrae (quae vulgo mote... (RISM B4613) Cantiones tum sacrae (quae vulgo moteta vocantur;) tum profanae, quinque, sex, & octo vocum; recens in lucem editae Antwerp: Plantin, Christophe, 1579 (Partbook, Print) RISM #30 c1 c3 c3 c4 f4 Attrib: Iacobo de Brovck

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