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Title Function(s) Composer # Sources
Who shall ascend into the hill (Verse anthem) Rogers, Benjamin 1614–1698 4
[MS appended to copy of Barnard 1641/5] (GB-Och 544-553) Oxford, 1641-c.1720 (Partbook, MS) #33 c1 c3 c4 f4 Attrib: Dr Rogers
Who shall ascend the hill of God Tomkins, Thomas 1572–1656 6
Musica Deo Sacra & Ecclesiae Anglican... (RISM T950) Musica Deo Sacra & Ecclesiae Anglicanae: or, Musick dedicated to the honor and service of God, and to the use of Cathedral and other Churches of England, especially of the Chappel-Royal of King Charles the First. London: Godbid, William, 1668 (Partbook, Print) RISM #92 c1 c1 c3 c3 c4 f4 org Attrib: Thomas Tomkins Psalm 24:3-5
Who shall have my fair lady Jones, Robert (i) fl.c.1520–1535 3
In this boke ar conteynyd. xx. songes... (RISM 1530/6) In this boke ar conteynyd. xx. songes. ix. of. iiii. partes, and. xi. of thre p[ar]tes London, 1530 (Partbook, Print) RISM #8 g1 c1 c4 Attrib: Jones
Who shall have my fair lady Anon 3
Fayrfax Manuscript (GB-Lbl Add. 5465) London, c.1500 (Choirbook, MS) #43 c1 c1 c4 Attrib: Anon
Whoso that list his chance to try Whythorne, Thomas 1528–1596 4
Songs, for three, fower, and five voy... (RISM W992) Songs, for three, fower, and five voyces, composed and made by Thomas Whythorne London, 1571 (Partbook, Print) RISM #37 g2 c1 c2 c4 Attrib: Thomas Whythorne
Whoso that will all feats obtain Henry VIII 1491–1547 3
Henry VIII MS (GB-Lbl Add. 31922) London, c.1510-c.1520 (Choirbook, MS) #34 c1 c3 f4 Attrib: The Kynge h.viij
Whoso that will for grace so Henry VIII 1491–1547 3
Henry VIII MS (GB-Lbl Add. 31922) London, c.1510-c.1520 (Choirbook, MS) #79 c3 c4 f4 Attrib: The Kynge h.viij
Whoso that will himself apply Rysbye, ?Henry 4
Henry VIII MS (GB-Lbl Add. 31922) London, c.1510-c.1520 (Choirbook, MS) #22 c1 c3 c3 c5 Attrib: Rysbye
Who speaks thee fair unto thy face Whythorne, Thomas 1528–1596 2
Duos, or songs for two voices, compos... (RISM W993) Duos, or songs for two voices, composed and made by Thomas Whythorne London: East, Thomas, 1590 (Partbook, Print) RISM #14 c1 c2 Attrib: Thomas Whythorne textless
Who's this, that leaning on her friend Gibbons, Orlando 1583–1625 2
The Hymnes and Songs of the Church, d... (RISM G1991) The Hymnes and Songs of the Church, divided into two parts... London: Wither, George, 1623 (Score, Print) RISM #8 g2 f4 Attrib: Orlando Gibbons Song 18
Who that for truth decrees Whythorne, Thomas 1528–1596 3
Songs, for three, fower, and five voy... (RISM W992) Songs, for three, fower, and five voyces, composed and made by Thomas Whythorne London, 1571 (Partbook, Print) RISM #9 c1 c3 c4 Attrib: Thomas Whythorne
Who that to quassing is bent Whythorne, Thomas 1528–1596 5
Songs, for three, fower, and five voy... (RISM W992) Songs, for three, fower, and five voyces, composed and made by Thomas Whythorne London, 1571 (Partbook, Print) RISM #68 g2 c1 c1 c4 f4 Attrib: Thomas Whythorne
Who that will weigh of ages all Whythorne, Thomas 1528–1596 4
Songs, for three, fower, and five voy... (RISM W992) Songs, for three, fower, and five voyces, composed and made by Thomas Whythorne London, 1571 (Partbook, Print) RISM #33 g2 g2 c3 c3 Attrib: Thomas Whythorne For Children
Who trusts for trust - Who thinkes Peerson, Martin 1571-1573–1651 5
Mottects or grave Chamber Musique Con... (RISM P1136) Mottects or grave Chamber Musique Containing Songs of five parts of severall sorts, some ful, and some Verse and Chorus. But all fit for Voyces and Viols, with an Organ Part; which for want of Organs, may be performed on Virginals, Bass-Lute, Bandora, or Irish Harpe. London: Stansby, William, 1630 (Partbook, Print) RISM #11 c1 c1 c3 c4 f4 org Attrib: Martin Peerson
Who vowes devotion to faire bewties shrine Carlton, Richard c.1558–c.1638 5
Madrigals to five voyces newly published (RISM C1227) London: Morley, Thomas, 1601 (Partbook, Print) RISM #14 g2 g2 c3 c4 f4 Attrib: Richard Carlton
Why are our summer sports so brittle? East, Michael c.1580–1648 4
The Fourth Set of Bookes, Wherein are... (RISM E7) The Fourth Set of Bookes, Wherein are Anthemes for Versus and Chorus, Madrigals, and Songs of other kindes, to 4, 5, and 6 Parts: apt for Viols and Voyces London: Snodham, Thomas, 1624 (Partbook, Print) RISM #3 g2 g2 c2 c3 Attrib: Michaell East
Why art thou so full of heaviness O my soul Tomkins, Thomas 1572–1656 5
Musica Deo Sacra & Ecclesiae Anglican... (RISM T950) Musica Deo Sacra & Ecclesiae Anglicanae: or, Musick dedicated to the honor and service of God, and to the use of Cathedral and other Churches of England, especially of the Chappel-Royal of King Charles the First. London: Godbid, William, 1668 (Partbook, Print) RISM #28 c1 c1 c3 c4 f4 org Attrib: Thomas Tomkins Psalm 42:6-7. Has alternate underlay 'Domine tu eruisti animam meam' (not in Tenor)
Why do I use my paper ink and pen David Fraser (SAATB) Alamire & Fretwork (Alleluia) Byrd, William c.1540–1623 5
(GB-Ob Mus.Sch.e.423) Oxford, c.1575-1586 (Partbook, MS) #22 g2 c1 c2 c3 f3 Attrib: Anon
Dow partbooks (GB-Och 984-988) Oxford: Baldwin, John and Dow, Robert, c.1581-c.1588 (Partbook, MS) #64 g2 c1 c2 c3 f3 Attrib: Mr Wm Birde Solo + 4 instruments
Psalmes, Sonets, & songs of sadness a... (RISM B5209) Psalmes, Sonets, & songs of sadness and pietie, made into Musicke of five parts: whereof, some of them going abroad among divers, in untrue coppies, are heere truely corrected, and th'other being Songs very rare and newly composed, are heere published, for the recreation of all such as delight in Musicke London: East, Thomas, 1588 (Partbook, Print) RISM #33 g2 c1 c2 c3 f3 Attrib: William Byrd
Sambrook book (US-NYp Drexel 4302) London: Tregian, Francis (ii), 1613-1619 (Score, MS) RISM #20 g2 c1 c2 c3 f3 Attrib: William Bird
Why dost thou shoot Wilbye, John 1574–1638 6
The first set of English madrigals to... (RISM W1065) The first set of English madrigals to 3, 4, 5, and 6. voices London: East, Thomas, 1598 (Partbook, Print) RISM #26 g2 g2 c2 c3 c3 f3 Attrib: Iohn Wilbye
(US-NYp Drexel 4180-4185) New York: Merro, John, 1600-1650 (Partbook, MS) #84 g2 g2 c2 c3 c3 f3 Attrib: Mr Wilby
Why shall not I Anon 3
Henry VIII MS (GB-Lbl Add. 31922) London, c.1510-c.1520 (Choirbook, MS) #101 c2 c4 f4 Attrib: Anon
Why sit I heere complayning Morley, Thomas 1557/1558–1602 4
Madrigalls to Foure Voyces newly publ... (RISM M3695) Madrigalls to Foure Voyces newly published London: East, Thomas, 1594 (Partbook, Print) RISM #3 g2 g2 c2 c4 Attrib: Thomas Morley
Wie lang sol sich - Ich hoffe aber darauf Heinsius, Petrus 5
Cygneae Cantiones Latinae et Germanic... (RISM M2183) Cygneae Cantiones Latinae et Germanicae Iacobi Meilandi Germani, qvinqve et qvatvor vocibvs Wittemberg: Welack, Matthäus, 1590 (Choirbook, Print) RISM #24 g3 c3 c4 c4 f4 Attrib: Petrus Heinsius
Will dann nicht anders werden draus - Zu dir all' unser Hoffnung steht Meiland, Jacob 1542–1577 5
Cygneae Cantiones Latinae et Germanic... (RISM M2183) Cygneae Cantiones Latinae et Germanicae Iacobi Meilandi Germani, qvinqve et qvatvor vocibvs Wittemberg: Welack, Matthäus, 1590 (Choirbook, Print) RISM #16 c1 c3 c4 c4 f4 Attrib: Iacobus Meilandus
Willt du mit gmach, ain sach, nach nutz Frosch, Johannes 4
Selectissimae necnon familiarissimae ... (RISM 1540/7) Selectissimae necnon familiarissimae cantiones, ultra centum Augsburg: Kriesstein, Melchior and Salminger, Sigmund, 1540 (Partbook, Print) RISM #74 c1 c4 c4 f4 Attrib: Joannes Frosch
Wipe away my sins Anon 5
(GB-Ckc Rowe 316) Cambridge, 1565 (Partbook, MS) #4 c2 c3 c3 c4 f4 Attrib: Anon as Wipe away my sins

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