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Title Function(s) Composer # Sources
Ung vray musicien beuvoit d'aultant Hesdin, Nicolle des Celliers de d.1538 4
Second livre contenant xxv. Chansons ... (RISM 1536/5) Second livre contenant xxv. Chansons nouvelles a quatre parties le tout en ung livre Paris: Attaingnant, Pierre, 1536 (Choirbook, Print) RISM #5 c1 c3 c3 c4 Attrib: Hesdin
Unica est columba mea Dulcino, Giovanni Battista 8
Promptuarii musici sacras harmonias s... (RISM 1613/2) Promptuarii musici sacras harmonias sive motetas V. VI. VII. & VII. vocum ... Pars tertia Strasbourg: Kieffer, Carl, 1613 (Partbook, Print) #42 c1 c1 c3 c3 c4 c4 f4 f4 bc Attrib: Ioh. Baptistae Dulcini
Unica est columba mea Ratti, Bartolomeo 1565–1634 5
Cantiones in laudem deipare virginis ... (RISM R324) Cantiones in laudem deipare virginis Mariae quae vulgo nominari solent Motecta quae in omni Solemnitate ipsius cantari possunt. Et in sine aedicae sunt Litaniae in honorem eiusdem Virginis. Liber Primus cum quinque vocibus Venice: Amadino, Ricciardo, 1594 (Partbook, Print) RISM #9 c1 c3 c4 c4 f4 Attrib: F. Bartholomaeo de Rattis Patavo
Unica est columba mea Anon 4
Primus liber cum quatuor vocibus. Mot... (RISM 1532/10) Primus liber cum quatuor vocibus. Motetti del fiore Lyon: Moderne, Jacques, 1532 (Partbook, Print) RISM #7 g2 c2 c3 c4 Attrib: Anon Not listed in index
Unica est columba mea Metallo, Grammatio c.1540–after 1615 3
Il primo libro di motetti a tre voci (RISM M2434) Venice: Vincenti, Giacomo, 1602 (Partbook, Print) RISM #2 c1 c3 f3 Attrib: Metallo
Unica lux venetum Berchem, Jacquet de c.1505–1567 4
Di Verdelot elletione de motetti non ... (RISM 1549/15) Di Verdelot elletione de motetti non pi stampati a quatro voce... Venice: Scotto, Girolamo, 1549 (Partbook, Print) RISM #12 c1 c3 c4 f4 Attrib: Iachet Berghem
Electiones diversorum motetorum disti... (RISM 1549/12) Electiones diversorum motetorum distincte quatuor vocibus Venice: Gardano, Antonio, 1549 (Partbook, Print) RISM #23 c1 c3 c4 f4 Attrib: Iachet Berchem
Unicus O digito monstras sotera Johannes Crecquillon, Thomas c.1505–1557 6
(D-Dl Mus.1-D-3) Dresden, 1550-1560 (Partbook, MS) RISM #45 c1 c3 c4 c4 f3 f4 Attrib: Tho Crequilon
Universae viae Domini Aichinger, Gregor 1564–1628 4
Sacrae cantiones quatuor, quinque, se... (RISM A517) Sacrae cantiones quatuor, quinque, sex, octo, et decem vocum Venice: Gardano, Angelo, 1590 (Partbook, Print) RISM #3 g2 c2 c3 f3 Attrib: Gregorio Aichinger
Universi qui te expectant Advent I Cardilli, Jacopo Antonio fl.1579–1586 5
Sacrarum Modulationum Liber Secundus (RISM C986) Venice: Gardano, Angelo, 1586 (Partbook, Print) RISM #1 g2 c2 c3 c3 f3 Attrib: Iacobi Antonii Cardilli
Universi qui te expectant Advent I Balbi, Lodovico c.1545–1604 4
Ecclesiasticarum cantionum quatuor vo... (RISM B737) Ecclesiasticarum cantionum quatuor vocum omnibus adventus dominicis, nec non Septuagesimae, Sexagesimae, Quinquegesimae, simul atque quibuscunque totius anni apportunitatibus deservientium Venice: Gardano, Angelo, 1578 (Partbook, Print) RISM #1 g2 c2 c3 f3 Attrib: Lvdovici Balbi Veneti
Universi qui te expectant Advent I Ratti, Lorenzo 1589/1590–1630 5
Sacrae modulationes nunc primum in lu... (RISM R331) Sacrae modulationes nunc primum in lucem editae pars prima Venice: Vincenti, Alessandro, 1628 (Partbook, Print) RISM #1 c1 c1 c3 c4 f4 org Attrib: Laurentii Ratti 1 advent, gradual & alleluia
Universi qui te expectant - Festina Domine Anon 5
(D-Mbs 274) Munich: Herwart, Johann Heinrich, c.1540-c.1560 (Partbook, MS) RISM #17 c1 c3 c3 c4 f4 Attrib: Anon
Un jeune moine est sortie du couvent Lassus, Orlande de c.1532–1594 4
Sex cantiones latinae quatuor, adiunc... (RISM L860) Sex cantiones latinae quatuor, adiuncto dialogo octo vocum. Sechs teutsche Lieder mit vier, sampt einem Dialogo mit 8. stimmen. Six chanson françoises nouvelles a quatre voix, avecq un dialogue a huit. Sei madrigali nuovi a quatro, con un dialogo a otto voci. ["Viersprachendruck"] Munich: Berg, Adam, 1573 (Partbook, Print) RISM #13 g2 c2 c3 c4 Attrib: Orlandus di Lassus
Un jeune moine est sortie du couvent Wilder, Philip van c.1500–1553 5
Mellange de Chansons tant des vieux a... (RISM 1572/2) Mellange de Chansons tant des vieux autheurs ques des modernes... Paris: Ballard, Robert (i) and Le Roy, Adrian, 1572 (Partbook, Print) RISM #82 c1 c3 c3 c4 f4 Attrib: Phl. Vuildre
Un jour estant seulet a la fenestre - Puis en mer haute - Apres je vy sortir - Au mesme boys - Au boys je - En fin je vy une dame - O chanson mienne Jeune, Claude le c.1528–1600 5
Livre de Melanges de C. le Ievne (RISM L1674) Antwerp: Plantin, Christophe, 1585 (Partbook, Print) RISM #28 c1 c2 c3 c4 c4 f4 Attrib: C. le Ievne Sexta pars only in final section
Un jour l'amant et l'amye Lassus, Orlande de c.1532–1594 8
Mellange d'Orlande de Lassus, contena... (RISM L834) Mellange d'Orlande de Lassus, contenant plusieurs chansons, tant en vers latins qu'en ryme francoyses. A quatre, cinc, six, huit, dix, parties Paris: Ballard, Robert (i) and Le Roy, Adrian, 1570 (Partbook, Print) RISM #97 c1 c1 c3 c3 c4 c4 f4 f4 Attrib: Orlande
Un jour l'amant et l'amye Pevernage, Andreas 1542/1543–1591 8
Livre quatrieme des chansons d'André ... (RISM P1673) Livre quatrieme des chansons d'André Pevernage. A six, sept et huict parties Antwerp: Plantin, Christophe, 1591 (Partbook, Print) RISM #20 g2 c1 c3 c3 c4 c4 f4 f4 Attrib: André Pevernage
Un jour un moyne alla chez un libraire Anon 4
Tiers livre, ou sont contenues plusie... (RISM 1555/17) Tiers livre, ou sont contenues plusieurs chansons tirées du recueil: des meileures tant anciennes que modernes, composées de divers excellents musiciens: desquelles avons changé la verbe lubrique en lettre spirituelle et chrestienne. Le tout à quatre parties & en quatre livres. [Geneva]: Du Bosc, Simon and Guéroult, Guillaume, 1555 (Partbook, Print) RISM #28 g2 c2 c3 c4 Attrib: Anon
Un jour vis un foulon qui fouloit Lassus, Orlande de c.1532–1594 4
Mellange d'Orlande de Lassus, contena... (RISM L834) Mellange d'Orlande de Lassus, contenant plusieurs chansons, tant en vers latins qu'en ryme francoyses. A quatre, cinc, six, huit, dix, parties Paris: Ballard, Robert (i) and Le Roy, Adrian, 1570 (Partbook, Print) RISM #11 c1 c3 c4 f4 Attrib: Orlande
Unkind, O stay thy flying (Alleluia) Wilbye, John 1574–1638 5
The first set of English madrigals to... (RISM W1065) The first set of English madrigals to 3, 4, 5, and 6. voices London: East, Thomas, 1598 (Partbook, Print) RISM #17 g2 g2 c3 c3 f3 Attrib: Iohn Wilbye
(US-NYp Drexel 4180-4185) New York: Merro, John, 1600-1650 (Partbook, MS) #150 g2 g2 c3 c3 f3 Attrib: Anon
{unknown} Anon 6
(I-MOd IX) Vecchi, Orazio, c.1520-1530 (Choirbook, MS) #1 c1 c1 c3 c4 f4 f4 Attrib: Anon fragment, probably a collect for All Saints. One of the 3 extant voices repeats: [Omnes sancti orate pro nobis] while the others sing [-re ad eos ... ergo properemus ... ut cum eis ... in aeterna patria ... gaudentes valeamus pervenire. Amen]
Un mesnagier viellard Lassus, Orlande de c.1532–1594 5
Mellange d'Orlande de Lassus, contena... (RISM L834) Mellange d'Orlande de Lassus, contenant plusieurs chansons, tant en vers latins qu'en ryme francoyses. A quatre, cinc, six, huit, dix, parties Paris: Ballard, Robert (i) and Le Roy, Adrian, 1570 (Partbook, Print) RISM #89 c1 c3 c3 c4 f4 Attrib: Orlande
Un mond' intiero val vostra bellezza Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo c.1554–1609 5
Canzoni a cinque voci. Libro primo. N... (RISM G546) Canzoni a cinque voci. Libro primo. Novamente poste in luce Venice: Gardano, Angelo, 1581 (Partbook, Print) RISM #2 g2 g2 c3 c3 f3 Attrib: Gio. Giacomo Gastoldi
Unne playsante fillete Compère, Loyset c.1445–1518 4
Canti C.N cento Cinquanta (RISM 1504/3) Petrucci, Ottaviano, 1504 (Partbook, Print) RISM #6 c1 c4 c4 f4 Attrib: Compere
Un niño nos es nascido Anon 4
Cancionero de Upsala (RISM 1556/30) Venice: Scotto, Girolamo, 1556 (Choirbook, Print) RISM #42 g2 c2 c3 f3 Attrib: Anon

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